Streamline Group, LLC

Only source in East Tennessee & Western North Carolina for full spectrum of internal equipment, software & web-based solutions for both physical & electronic mailing, shipping, receiving, e-billing, document automation

Customer Reporting

Electronic billing allows for detailed tracking of customer behavior, providing billers with a wealth of insight into how customers view and pay their bills.

With Striata’s email bill presentation and payment solution, billers will know how customers view and pay their bills: when their bills are delivered, how long it takes customers to open their bills, how long it takes for a bill to be paid.

The ideal world
In an ideal world, billers would love to know exactly when their paper bill arrived in the customer’s mailbox, when it was collected, how long it sat and waited for their attention, how many times the customer looked at it before writing out a check, and how long it took them to mail it back.

Marketers would love to know exactly which promotions attracted which customers, what ‘envelope stuffer’ advertising worked and what didn’t, and the rate of interest in any promotional campaign.

However, in the world of paper billing, there are only two pieces of information available: when the bill was sent and when payment was received. It is almost impossible to influence processes that cannot be tracked or mapped. If billers understand how their customers behave, they can encourage faster bill payment and make informed decisions based on profiled customer data.

In an electronic process, billers can now gain deep insight into their customer’s handling of their bills, and marketers can determine their success in communicating effectively to their client base.

Electronic billing provides insight into how customers view and pay bills
With Striata’s email bill presentation and payment solution, billers will know how customers view and pay bills: when their bills are delivered, how long it takes customers to open their bills, how long it takes for a bill to be paid. These statistics are a very powerful tool in assisting billers to understand the behavior of their customers.

Some of the statistics provided by Striata’s tracking functionality:

  • Date and time of email delivery
  • All bills not successfully delivered
  • Date and time the email bill was first opened and every time thereafter
  • When and how often each marketing piece was clicked
  • Statistics around the payment of the email bill

Tracking of customer behavior allows for various actions to be triggered from any of the above, for example, the resending of another copy of the email bill if payment is declined.

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