Streamline Group, LLC

Only source in East Tennessee & Western North Carolina for full spectrum of internal equipment, software & web-based solutions for both physical & electronic mailing, shipping, receiving, e-billing, document automation


Turn Off Paper with E-Billing by Streamline


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The eBilling ‘Push’ Advantage
Historically, organizations with high-volume billing have used a portal based approach to Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment (EBPP), where they ‘deliver’ their bills electronically by posting them on a website and sending an email notification to the customer. 

eBilling Challenges
The Billing process has always been a strategic marketing and customer retention platform. However, without the means to measure effectiveness by customer profile or demographic usage, billers have historically focused more on getting paid and getting paid faster. 

How Does eBilling Work
Striata’s Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment solution delivers electronic bills via email, providing as much convenience as traditionally posted bills. Customers can also easily and simply make payments directly from within the eBill – something which cannot be matched in the paper billing world. 

Push vs Pull
While customer adoption rates for ‘pull’ self-service portals have disappointed, ‘push’ email delivery of secure bills and statements has succeeded at driving qualified customer traffic to biller websites. 


Business Drivers

Reduce Billing Costs
Many businesses are looking for ways to cut their operating costs, while others are looking for cost effective ways to reduce their carbon footprint. The high cost of paper on both fronts has made it an obvious target. 

Maximize Customer Adoption
80% internet penetration but less than 10% adoption to online bill pay. The solution to high adoption of eBilling is to ‘push’ your bills to the customer as a securely encrypted email attachment. ‘Push’ eBilling can double your adoption in 6 months. 

Get Payments Faster
Optimizing electronic billing processes can dramatically reduce DSO by cutting the time it takes to get bills to customers and to elicit payment. Documented results show that it can reduce the DSO cycle by as much as 70%. 

Paper Turn Off
Customers want to turn off paper. Billers want to turn off paper. Conservation groups, Governments and the environment want us to turn off paper. How can you make this happen? 

Marketing Opportunities
One of the key advantages of Striata’s email electronic bill delivery solution is the personalized marketing opportunity that it provides. 

Anti-Phishing Protection
Combat phishing by sending the entire statement to the customer. No links back to a website, no login, no phishing. 

Going Green
Businesses are under increased pressure to reduce their carbon footprint. Any initiative that has a demonstrable reduction in paper usage will contribute to carbon reduction. eBilling can reduce paper consumption significantly every month. 

E-Billing Solutions

Striata BillPay
Striata BillPay offers an innovative ‘one-click’, no registration electronic bill payment, directly from within the encrypted, emailed bill itself, revolutionizing the way bills, statements and collection notices are paid. 

Transpromo Marketing
Striata’s innovative electronic messaging solutions create new marketing opportunities, enabling companies to reach customers who use online payment portals and self service kiosks to pay their bills. 

B2B EIPP and e-Invoicing
Striata’s Electronic Invoice Presentment & Payment (EIPP) connectors deliver your eInvoices to the major eInvoicing hubs around the world, whilst delivering a secure electronic bill to the rest of your customers. Striata’s innovative electronic messaging solutions are able to provide flexible output formats that meet the different eInvoicing standards. 

Notifications and Alerts
Striata electronic notifications and alerts are automated, high volume electronic messaging solutions, uniquely designed to drive customer action and response. 

Credit and Collections
Striata’s Electronic Credit & Collections offering provides an efficient, cost effective alternative to traditional collection processes that dramatically reduces the time and expense involved in collecting delinquent payments. 

eStatements help billers and financial services organizations realize their paper turn off objectives by replacing statements with rich, interactive electronic documents that are delivered directly to customer inboxes. 

Striata CIC eSignature is a unique solution that enables the newly insured to not only receive their policy electronically, but also to approve it with just one click. Insurers are able to get policies activated instantly ensuring minimal customer acquisition fallout. The activation cycle is reduced from an average of 14 days to less than 48 hours. 

One-Click Payment
Striata has revolutionized the payment process by adding Goodmail’s CertifiedEmail to its Secure eDocument Delivery Solution, significantly enhancing the consumer billing experience. 

Striata ePIN
The Striata ePIN solution uses this same technology and functionality to provide financial institutions and other card issuers with a secure, stand-alone PIN distribution system that safeguards the PIN from generation to distribution. 

Demandbase Connect


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